
田伟超 简介

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2019.02-2020.03 Texas A&M University 地质与地球物理系 地质资源与地质工程 联培博士

2016.09-2020.06 中国石油大学(华东) 地球科学与技术学院 地质资源与地质工程  

2013.09-2016.06 中国石油大学(华东) 地球科学与技术学院 地质资源与地质工程 硕士

2009.09-2013.06 中国石油大学(华东) 地球科学与技术学院 资源勘查工程  本科

2023.12至今   长江大学    m6体育app【中国】官方网站   副教授

2022.092023.12    长江大学    m6体育app【中国】官方网站   讲师

2020.082022.09    长江大学    m6体育app【中国】官方网站   博士后

(1) Tian W., Lu S., Zhang J., et al. NMR characterization of fluid mobility in low-permeability conglomerates: An experimental investigation of spontaneous imbibition and flooding[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2022, 214: 110483.

(2) Tian W., Lu S., Li J., et al. Insights into the pore structure and pore development pattern of subaqueous volcanic rocks in the Santanghu Basin, western China[J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022, 135: 105387.

(3) Tian, W., Lu, S., Huang, W., et al. Quantifying the control of pore types on fluid mobility in low-permeability conglomerates by integrating various experiments. Fuel 2020, 275: 117835.

(4) Tian, W., Lu, S., Huang, W., et al. Study on the Full-Range Pore Size Distribution and the Movable Oil Distribution in Glutenite. Energy & Fuels 2019, 33(8), 7028-7042.

(5) Tian, W., Lu, S., Wen, Z., et al. Quantifying the microdistribution of different fluid types in the multiscale pore throat structure of low-permeability conglomerates. Energy & Fuels 2023, 37(13), 9066−9079.

(6) Tian, W., Lu, S., Wang, W., et al. Characterization of Nano to Micron-Scale Pore Structure in Tight Sand Gas Reservoir from Turpan-Hami Basin. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2017, 17(9), 6096-6108.

(7) Zheng, J., Tian, W.*, Gao Y, et al. Multi-Scale Fractal Characteristics of the Pore System in Low-Permeability Conglomerates from the Junggar Basin[J]. Processes, 2023, 11(9): 2667.

(8) Fan, Y., Zhang, Z., Zhou, X., Zhang, K., Wen, Z., Tian, W.*, et al. Occurrence Characteristics of Chang 7 Shale Oil from the Longdong Area in the Ordos Basin: Insights from Petrology and Pore Structure[J]. Processes, 2023, 11(11): 3090.

(9) Li, Z., Ren, Y., Chang, R., Zhang,Y., Zhang, X., Tian, W.* Clarifying the contribution of multiscale pores to physical properties of Chang 7 tight sandstones: insight from full-scale pore structure and fractal characteristics[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2024, 12: 1361052.

(10) Li, J., Wang, M., Fei, J., Xu, L., Shao, H., Li, M., Tian, W.*, Lu, S. Determination of in situ hydrocarbon contents in shale oil plays. Part 2: Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D NMR) as a potential approach to characterize preserved cores[J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022: 105890.

(11) Yang, Y., Wen, Z., Tian, W.*, et al. A New Model for Predicting Permeability of Chang 7 Tight Sandstone Based on Fractal Characteristics from High-Pressure Mercury Injection [J]. Energies, 2024, 17: 821.

(12) Gao, H., Zhou, X., Wen, Z., Guo, W., Tian, W.*, et al. Classification and evaluation of shale oil reservoirs of the Chang 71-2 Sub-Member in the Longdong area[J]. Energies, 2022, 15: 5364.

(13) 田伟超, 卢双舫, 王伟明, . 三塘湖盆地卡拉岗组火山岩风化壳储层微纳米孔隙演变机制及与含油性关系. 石油与天然气地质2019, 40(6), 1281-1294, 1307.

(14) 田伟超, 卢双舫, 王伟明, . 吐哈盆地斜坡带致密储层物性上限研究. 天然气地球科学2015, 26(11), 2107-2113.

(15) Tian, W., Lu, S., Huang, W. Combining NMR and RCP to Characterize Full-range Pore Structure in Tight Glutenite Reservoirs. In 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018.

(16) 田伟超, 文志刚, 罗雨舒, .鄂尔多斯盆地五蛟地区长7段致密砂岩物性分级评价[J].长江大学学报(自然科学版), 2021,18(04):24-32.


(1) 田伟超, 卢双舫, 黄文彪, 肖佃师, 徐健鹏, 詹卓琛. 基于NMRLTNA的致密储层全尺寸孔隙定量表征方法[P]. 山东省:CN109856176B, 2022-03-08. (已授权)

(2) 田伟超, 文志刚, 徐耀辉, 卢双舫, 宋换新, 刘岩, 伍顺伟. 基于NMR表征致密砂岩不同类型流体分布的方法[P]. 湖北省:CN114778588A, 2022-07-22. (实质审查阶段)


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:注水吞吐条件下致密油的微观可动机理研究,42202187 2023-2025,在研,主持;

2. 长庆油田:安塞南西河口地区长7页岩油有效储层识别及甜点区筛选2023-2024,在研,主研;

3. 长庆油田:长7页岩油储层微纳米孔隙中油--岩作用机理研究2024-2025,在研,主研;

4 中国石油科技创新基金项目:砂砾岩致密油赋存特征及可动性研究,2020D-5007-01012020-2022结题,主持;

5. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:砂砾岩致密油可动用性研究2020M6823762020-2022结题,主持;

6. 中国地质大学(武汉)委托分析测试:泥岩岩屑样品有机地化分析,2022-2022,结题,主持;

7. 长庆油田勘探开发研究院技术攻关项目:庆城油田长7页岩油润湿性特征及成因机制研究,结题主研

8. 长庆油田勘探开发研究院技术攻关项目:华池-合水地区长7页岩油储层测试分析及高产主控因素研究2022-2023,结题,主研;

9. 长庆油田勘探开发研究院技术攻关项目:陇东地区长7段页岩油储层分级评价与地质甜点识别研究, 2020-2022结题,主研。






担任SedimentologyMarine and Petroleum GeologyJournal of Petroleum Science and EngineeringFrontiers in Earth ScienceNatural Resource ResearchGeofluids、长江大学学报(自然科学版)等国际国内期刊审稿人


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