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联系电话:18062563609  E-mailtengjuancugb@outlook.com



2022.1-至今  长江大学  m6体育app【中国】官方网站

2019.01-2020.09 美国印第安纳大学   访问学者

2018.07-2021.10  成都理工大学        能源学院

2017.03-2018.06 美国印第安纳地质与水文调查局 助理研究员


2012.09-2017.01  中国地质大学(北京)  矿产普查与勘探  博士  导师:刘大锰

2015.08-2016.08  美国印第安纳大学 联合培养博士  导师:Maria Mastalerz

2008.09-2012.06   中国地质大学(北京)  石油工程   学士




1. Teng, J., Liu, B., Mastalerz, M. and Schieber, J. 2022. Origin of organic matter and organic pores in the overmature Ordovician-Silurian Wufeng-Longmaxi Shale of the Sichuan Basin, China. International Journal of Coal Geology 253, 103970. (SCI, 中科院一区TOP)

2. Teng, J., Mastalerz, M. and Liu, B., 2021. Petrographic and chemical structure characteristics of amorphous organic matter in marine black shales: Insights from Pennsylvanian and Devonian black shales in the Illinois Basin. International Journal of Coal Geology 235, 103676. (SCI, 中科院一区TOP)

3. Teng, J., Deng, H., Xia, Y., Chen, W. and Fu, M., 2021. Controls of Amorphous Organic Matter on the Hydrocarbon Generation Potential of Lacustrine Shales: A Case Study on the Chang 7 Member of Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, North China. Energy & Fuels 35, 5879-5888. (SCI, 中科院三区)

4. Liu, B., Teng, J. *, Mastalerz, M., Schieber, J., Schimmelmann, A. and Bish, D., 2021. Compositional control on shale pore structure characteristics across a maturation gradient: insights from the Devonian New Albany shale and Marcellus shale in the Eastern United States. Energy & Fuels 35, 7913-7929. (SCI, 中科院三区)

5. Teng, J., Deng, H., Liu, B., Chen, W., Fu, M., Xia, Y. and Yu, H., 2021. Insights of the pore system of lacustrine shales from immature to late mature with the aid of petrology, mineralogy and porosimetry: A case study of the Triassic Yanchang Formation of the Ordos Basin, North China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 196, p.107631. (SCI,中科院二区TOP)

6. Wang, K., Teng, J.*, Deng, H.*, Fu, M. and Lu, H., 2021. Classification of Void Space Types in Fractured-Vuggy Carbonate Reservoir Using Geophysical Logging: A Case Study on the Sinian Dengying Formation of the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Energies 14, 5087. (SCI,中科院四区)

7. Teng, J., Mastalerz, M., Liu, B., Gognat, T., Hauser, E. and McLaughlin, P., 2020. Variations of organic matter transformation in response to hydrothermal fluids: Example from the Indiana part of the Illinois Basin. International Journal of Coal Geology 219, 103410. (SCI, SCI, 中科院一区TOP)

8. Liu, B., Teng, J.*, Mastalerz, M. and Schieber, J., 2020. Assessing the thermal maturity of black shales using vitrinite reflectance: Insights from Devonian black shales in the eastern United States. International Journal of Coal Geology 220, 103426. (SCI, 中科院一区TOP)

9. Liu, B., Schieber, J., Mastalerz, M. and and Teng, J., 2020. Variability of rock mechanical properties in the sequence stratigraphic context of the Upper Devonian New Albany Shale, Illinois Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 112, 104068. (SCI,中科院二区)

10. Liu, B., Mastalerz, M. and Schieber, J. and Teng, J., 2020. Association of uranium with macerals in marine black shales: Insights from the Upper Devonian New Albany Shale, Illinois Basin. International Journal of Coal Geology 217, 103351. (SCI, 中科院一区TOP)

11. Li, Z., Liu, D., Cai, Y., Wang, Y. and Teng, J., 2019. Adsorption pore structure and its fractal characteristics of coals by N2 adsorption/desorption and FESEM image analyses. Fuel 257, 116031. (SCI,中科院一区TOP)

12. Schieber, J., Miclăuș, C., Seserman, A., Liu, B. and Teng, J., 2019. When a mudstone was actually a “sand”: Results of a sedimentological investigation of the bituminous marl formation (Oligocene), Eastern Carpathians of Romania. Sedimentary Geology 384, 12-28. (SCI,中科院二区)

13. Teng, J., Mastalerz, M. and Hampton, L., 2017. Maceral controls on porosity characteristics of lithotypes of Pennsylvanian high volatile bituminous coal: Example from the Illinois Basin. International Journal of Coal Geology 172, 80-94. (SCI, 中科院一区TOP)

14. Teng, J., Yao, Y., Liu, D. and Cai, Y., 2015. Evaluation of coal texture distributions in the southern Qinshui basin, North China: Investigation by a multiple geophysical logging method. International Journal of Coal Geology 140, 9-22. (SCI, 中科院一区TOP)

15. Teng, J., Liu, D., Yao, Y. and Cai, Y., 2016. Quantitative Evaluation of Coal Structures with the Aid of Geophysical Logging Data. International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology 9, 383-392. (EI)

16. Teng, J., Yao, Y., Liu, D., Liu, Z. and Liu, B., 2013. Identification of coal petrologic-structure by using geophysical logging data: A case study of the coals of Hancheng coalbed methane field. Applied Mechanics and Materials 316-317, 795-798. EI


滕娟,夏宇,邓虎成,陈文玲,王园园,解馨慧. 一种基于交汇图法识别岩性的方法及系统:中国, ZL202010281356.2, 2021.6.4.


· 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,42102194,陆相低熟页岩中无定形体成因机制和演化特征研究,2022-012024-1224万元,在研,主持;

· 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室开放基金,PLC20190505,陆相页岩储层在热成熟过程中物性动态演化及控制机理,2019.01-2020.124万元,结题,主持;

· 成都理工大学科研启动基金,10912-KYQD,页岩储层源储配置关系对其物性的影响作用及控制机理研究,2018.7-2021.67.5万元,结题,主持;

· 成都理工大学2019年度骨干教师科研启动基金,10912-KYGG2019-07269, 2019.04-2021.04, 2万元,结题,主持;

· 中石油西南油气田分公司四川盆地(高校)研究中心研究项目,XNS页岩院JS2020-68,四川盆地及周缘页岩油气后备层系沉积特征及油气富集规律,2020.01-2024.12292万元,在研,参加;

· 中石化胜利油田分公司纯梁采油厂科研项目,30200004-20-ZC0613-0005,博兴洼陷页岩油地质体精细刻画与评价技术,2020.03-2020.1228万元,结题,技术首席;

· 中石化胜利油田分公司纯梁采油厂科研项目,30200004-20-ZC0613-0023,博兴洼陷页岩油富集高产要素研究及实验区优选,2020.06-2020.1227万元,结题,技术首席。

· Indiana University - Indiana Geological & Water SurveyAssessing the Maquoketa Group in the Illinois Basin: age, character and resource potential2017−2018,结题,参加;

· 中石化华北油气分公司,定北地区上古生界储层成岩相描述及气水关系研究,34550000-17-ZC0613-00142017-2018,结题,技术负责。


1. Juan Teng, Maria Mastalerz, Bei Liu, Tim Gognat, Ernest Hauser, Patrick McLaughlin. 2019. Variations of organic matter transformation in response to hydrothermal fluids: Example from Indiana part of the Illinois Basin. The 36th Annual Meeting of The Society for Organic Petrology in Bloomington, IN. (Poster presentation)

2. Juan Teng, Maria Mastalerz, LaBraun Hampton. 2018. Influence of maceral on porosity characteristics of lithotypes of Pennsylvanian high volatile bituminous coals from the Illinois Basin. GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, IN. (Poster presentation)

3. Juan Teng, Maria Mastalerz. 2016. Maceral controls on porosity characteristics of lithotypes of high volatile bituminous coals. The 7th Annual Meeting of The Ohio Valley Organic Petrology in Carbondale, IN. (Oral presentation)

4. 滕娟. 2015. 利用多种测井信息定量判识煤体结构—以沁水盆地南部郑庄地区为例. 中国地质大学(北京)科学研究院团队研究生学术报告会, 北京. (口头报告)


Geological Society of America (GSA)、The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)等;IJCG、Energy&Fuels等多个国际期刊审稿人

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